Premiered at the Finborough Theatre in May 2017, starring Harry Melling and Jasmine Hyde. Its month long run received rave reviews, and two Off West End Awards nominations - including one for Most Promising New Playwright. The playtext is published by Bloomsbury, and is available on Drama Online. Jam was directed by Tommo Fowler, and produced by W14 Productions.

“They said I was violent. You’re the ‘victim’ – what do you think?”

Ten years ago, Bella Soroush’s life was ruined by one of her pupils – Kane McCarthy. She has gradually rebuilt things – new school, new town, new friends – and finally feels at home in the depths of the countryside.

Now Kane is back in her classroom, armed with relics of the past and claiming to want forgiveness.

As the truths they’ve clung to begin to collapse, teacher and pupil are forced to confront their prejudices and the shared history that has bound them together.

Set over a single evening, JAM is a relentless, incendiary new drama that interrogates social fault-lines in Britain today, and the tension between truth and justice.

“The creeping ideas of identity and role linger well beyond the final curtain, an impressively chilling feat that makes this production a must see.” Alexander Bawden, The Upcoming ★★★★★

“Writer Matt Parvin has created an explosive new piece of writing that deserves to be seen.” Sian Rowland, London Pub Theatres ★★★★

“Taut, cruelly funny and crammed with quirky detail.” Sam Marlowe, The Times

“Parvin knows how to rhythm a play” Michael Billington, The Guardian

“A fascinating and highly recommended play.” Graham Archer, West End Wilma

“A provocative and forthright play.” Chris Omaweng, London Theatre 1

“The tension throughout the play is so palpable that you’ll be on the edge of your seat.” Eva de Valk, Everything Theatre

“An edge-of –your-seat drama.” Anna Williams, Pocket Size Theatre

“Matt Parvin’s impressive debut full length play Jam is an intense two-hander.” Peter Barker, Traffic Light Theatregoer

“Jam leaves you turning its events over and over long after its characters seem to find equilibrium.” David Ralf, The Stage

“Truly thought-provoking, causing the audience to question themselves long after the curtain calls.” Simona Negretto, The Play’s the Thing UK


The Noble Nine


Two Roads